Merry Go Round Rock, Sedona Photo Shoot

  1. Bernadeta says:

    That post is amazing! I really like how many details the couples can find here (like the 4×4 car which is necessary to get to the location).

  2. LaRee says:

    What a wonderful resource! I love how detailed your directions are, I’m excited to be able to visit in the future. Your photos at the rock are stunning. Thank you for taking the time to put this together!

  3. Leo says:

    Everything about the light and location are insane! Great photography and thanks for sharing these inspiring photos.

  4. Rita says:

    Wow this is all so artistic, i love how creative you are! this place is incredible, i can not wait for one day to witness and discover it live too!

  5. Hayley says:

    These are such beautiful photos! That first picture is insane what a great spot! And great tips about the location.

  6. I am loving the information along with experience of day!

  7. This was informative and fun to read about the experience.

  8. Monika paaro says:

    Absolutely love this post! Merry Go Round Rock is such a stunning choice for engagement photos! πŸŒ„ I can only imagine how breathtaking those views are.

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